Have problems with trespassers? There are a few approaches you can take. You could put up new barriers, you could notify the trespasser in person, or you could put up a sign, for starters. But if you know who they are and can identify them, you can also send them a no trespassing letter to ban them from your property. We’ve put together a sample below. When you send a letter like this, make sure to send it certified mail and to notify law enforcement, if appropriate.
500 Main Street
Anytown, USA 00000January 1, 2010
John Appleseed
1234 High Street
Anytown, USA 00000Dear Mr. Appleseed:
This letter is formal notice that you are forbidden from entering or remaining on the Acme Co. property located at 999 Blackacre Road, Anytown, USA 00000. If you attempt to enter or remain on that property, you may be subject to legal action, including arrest and criminal trespassing charges.
This notice is effective immediately, and will remain in effect [permanently / until a particular date]. A copy of this letter has been provided to law enforcement.
Richard Roe
CEO, Acme Co.Cc: Anytown Police Department
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