
Smarter ways to combat shoplifters
Shoplifters can be shrewd. We all know that purses, handbags, and large, open shopping bags are commonly used shoplifters’ devices. But there are more surprising methods too: baby strollers (sometimes built with a false bottom), closed-but-not-snapped umbrellas suspended from a shoplifter’s elbow or supported against the counter, and even bloomers. Besides devices, shoplifters also have […]

Top 10 guard dog breeds for families
Readers Digest published interviews with convicted burglars in 2009; one burglar admitted that he steered clear of houses with loud guard dogs. In fact, research shows that more than four in five dog owners are never burgled. It makes sense to explore the option of getting a guard dog to protect your home. However, it […]

Move over home security systems, there’s an app for that
Whether you’re carving fresh powder on a Colorado ski slope or hanging out with Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, you can now remotely control your home security system with – you guessed it, a smartphone. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard someone say, “there’s an app for that,” I’d be lounging on a […]

Maine considers bill to regulate food foraging on private property
There are few things in the catalog of human activity more whimsical than donning your woolen cape, slinging a basket over your arm, and going out into a misty morning to gather mushrooms from the peaty, sweet-smelling forest floor. We know that mushroom foraging has a dark side. One New York man confessed to the […]

State-law specific No Trespassing signs
Trespassing is treated differently across states in the U.S. In Florida, for instance, trespassing is usually considered a second degree misdemeanor that can lead up to 60 days in jail and/or maximum fine of $500. In Idaho, trespassers can be imprisoned in a county jail for maximum six months and/or fined between $25.00 and $1,000. […]

Sovereign citizens and private property
Tabitha Gentry locked up the gate on her beautiful multi-million dollar home in East Memphis with a chain and padlock, alerting reporters that they were on private property. Gentry didn’t acquire the property by getting a mortgage with a bank that’s regulated and protected by the federal government. She’s a sovereign citizen, and is part […]