
What does it mean when there’s a trail easement on my land?

What does it mean when there’s a trail easement on my land?

February 5, 2018 | 0 Comments

You’ve just bought a piece of property in a wilderness area, and your property comes with a trail easement. What does that mean? SmartSign is here to help and to give you the basics on what a trail easement is, what it means for your rights as a property owner, and other common questions we’ve […]

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Dunes: Human Interference and Steps to Protect

Dunes: Human Interference and Steps to Protect

October 24, 2017 | 0 Comments

Dunes are a natural barrier that protect the land from coastal flooding and tsunami inundation. They delay flooding by absorbing the impact of storm surge and high waves. Dune vegetation like sea oats, seashore elder, saltmeadow cordgrass, bitter panicum, and American beach grass bind the sand together and reduce wind-borne erosion and wave erosion. The […]

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When can you put booby traps on your property?

When can you put booby traps on your property?

May 17, 2017 | 0 Comments

The jerry-rigged booby trap has been a staple of fiction for decades.  Home Alone. Indiana Jones.  Dungeons & Dragons.  And from time to time, a property holder decides that lethal or potentially lethal force is appropriate to try to secure their property.  Someone, whether an intruder, a guest, or the landowner, gets hurt (or killed), […]

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Texas signage prohibiting firearms draws controversy

Texas signage prohibiting firearms draws controversy

January 5, 2016 | 0 Comments

A new Texas law permitting gun owners to carry unconcealed weapons in public went into effect on New Year’s Day 2016. Starting this year, owners of private businesses who wish to prohibit weapons on site may do so via posted signage, but regulations on the signage has already caused more than a few headaches. According to Texas […]

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St. Petersburg, Florida may allow electric fences

St. Petersburg, Florida may allow electric fences

July 22, 2014

The city council in St. Petersburg, Florida was divided over whether it is okay to install electrified fences around properties in the city to safeguard them against vandalism. Some say, if used in conjunction with other measures, electrified fences are a good deterrent, while others are concerned by the threat they may pose to passersby. […]

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Faux Private Property signs face fines

Faux Private Property signs face fines

July 3, 2014

Suppose you’re lucky enough to own beachfront property. While living there, enjoying the view, cooling breezes, and other various benefits of your ideal location, you witness random visitors trashing the area. They use the nearby public part of the beach as their own personal dumping grounds. They urinate freely and light bonfires dangerously close to […]

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Is it time to upgrade to a smart lock?

Is it time to upgrade to a smart lock?

January 17, 2014

In 2010 alone, there were over 2 million burglaries in the United States. Of these, 60 percent were forcible entry and the average loss per burglary was over $2,000. Over 70 percent of the burglaries took place on residential properties. Some of these burglaries could have been prevented with stronger, more advanced locks. The traditional lock-and-key […]

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